Sunday, July 11, 2010

Poetry: Untitled


I am sound in mind, body, and spirit.
I am strong, and I have faith.
I feel the lingering touch of his deep love.
Love he had for me.
Love that came from depths unknown to any other.

I feel the emptiness left behind.
Only the lingering things are left.
His gentle touch with fingers warm and soft,
Caressing my cheek in silent devotion.
His warmth is now cold loneliness.

I was sound in mind, body, and spirit.
I was strong, and I still have faith.
I feel the eternal touch of his deep love.
Love he has for me.
Love that still comes from depths unknown to any other.

I feel him though he is not here.
Only his love is left.
His gentle touch with angel’s wings warm and soft,
Enveloping my body in silent devotion.
His warmth keeps me from grief and sorrow.

We will be together again, my love.
When my faith gives me wings.
We will love again, my love.
Your fingers will caress my cheek again.
Our love will be forever.
To you I make this promise.

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